Top 10 Fertility Foods Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine has been treating infertility for over a thousand years with references dating way back to the oracle bones. This subtle and natural approach lies in slowly building the body’s precious substances such as blood, qi and essence.

The Importance of Diet for Fertility

Ideally this can be done through diet, especially considering that here in Australia our soils are deficient in nutrients and minerals are essential to reproduction. When we regularly include nourishing foods rich in vitamins and minerals, they improve our wellbeing which extends to our fertility.

So here are my top ten favourite foods to nourish the body’s Blood, Qi and protect Jing. Jing is our essence, what keeps us young and healthy and enables us to procreate and pass on this essence of life to our children. You cannot make more Jing, it is the life force that keeps you young. But you can certainly prevent further loss and slow the ageing process.

What is Jing? Why is it so Precious?

In Chinese medicine, having good Jing levels translates to being fertile and it is worth knowing that women and men lose their Jing differently.

Men lose their Jing through ejaculating, thus having too much sex or excessive masturbating can destroy a man’s Jing.

A woman loses her Jing through menstruation every month, so when periods are heavy and debilitating it can exhaust the body and age it.

Another way to conserve Jing is to rest, so taking it easy when you need to and listening to your body is the best way to go.


Top Fertility Foods Chinese Medicine

  • Organic Eggs – organic, pastured, my grandmother tells me to eat uovo sbattuto every day – a well beaten raw egg with a little sugar and marsala, it is pure jing tonic!
  • Bee pollen – great sprinkled on fruit with yoghurt
  • Organic Berries – all kinds, make sure you wash them because they often have pesticides, they astringe the essence with that sour flavour they have. Cherries are good for the blood
  • Organic Bone broth
  • Organic Liver – most nutrient dense food
  • Kefir – great for immunity and generally wellbeing so you stay well and don’t tax the jing
  • Fish eggs, roe or caviar
  • Algae & seaweed
  • Nuts and seeds – consume in small amounts organic, preferably soaked
  • Organic Butter and ghee – so good! Use ghee to fry food and on vegetables etc, very nouishing for the body

Fertility Acupuncture Melbourne

At Femme Vital, expect the best holistic health consultation, coaching, tailored treatment and advice with 12 years experience supporting wellbeing with acupuncture and Chinese herbs.

For in Clinic or Online appointments Book Online or contact us on 03 9005 6730, by appointment only.

Copyright © 2021 Ilana Sowter · All Rights Reserved

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